Working in Partnership to Improve Lives in Katembe

January 2024 saw the start of an exciting new working partnership between MiMo and the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives.

Already working with disadvantaged women MiMo was looking for a long-term sustainable project to help them support themselves, their families and their communities.

After purchasing a piece of land, MiMo approached the CFLI for support to set-up a Womens Co-Operative where disadvantaged young women would learn to raise chickens and grow their own fruit and vegetables, selling the surplus to create an income stream.

Work commenced in January to secure the site and build the infrastructure to house the chickens, store the produce and equipment and provide facilities for the women to use during their working day.

Building work will be completed by the end of February. Work will start on the land in March and the chickens will arrive in April.

For more information and to keep up to date with progress, please visit the project page.